We're the Toy STLKR guys!

We grew up in the 80’s playing with the best toy lines ever invented – Masters of the Universe, Transformers, Thundercats… HOOOOO!!!
Now we’re sorta grown up and have kids of our own who play with… Well, honestly, they’re playing with a lot of the same things, but with MUCH better lights and sounds and joints. It brings a tear to the eye.
We have a passion for this stuff, and we’re still adding to collections of our own (even if they’re a little more expensive these days), so we thought it would be amazing to help others find what they’re looking for!
And thus the age of Toy STLKR was born…
You’re more than welcome to search around the interwebs yourself for reviews of Toy STLKR, but we’ll save you a little time and share some of our favorite social media feedback below…